Grain Free Kolache Cookies

Just a quick fyi there are TWO versions of this recipe here in the club. This is my original grain free option and then I also just posted a brand new version that is gluten free using better batter flour. Both are great. You can opt for whichever works best for your diet and needs.

My husbands mother was born in the Czech Republic and the one cookie he always talked about every Christmas were kolache’s. (Pronounced Ga-Loch-Skey)

I have a love of carrying on early on in our marriage I learned how to make the cookies and have made them every year since. We have always lived closer to my family than his- so I try to find ways to include his traditions in whatever we do. Certain recipes have become a holiday staple as a result- this being one of them.

2 years ago I decided it was time to come out with a gluten and grain free version- as I realized many of you are missing these cookies.

These cookies are addictive and delicious. Only slightly sweet, they are more reminiscent of little bites of pie- only the dough is slightly more soft than pie crust.

Traditionally these cookies are made in a circle  (at least by the Czechs!) but upon doing research I noticed that the recipe is very popular all over Europe. Other countries cut them into squares and fold two edges together.  According to wikipedia ..they Originated as a semisweet wedding dessert from Central Europe, they have become popular in parts of the United States. The name originates from the Czech, and originally Old Slavonic word kolo meaning "circle". So the circle shape is the original shape!

There is further confusion..because there are two types of Kolache. Puffy filled ones that look similar to buns..and then kolache cookies (which is what I have made here!). I plan to try making the other version as well. Both the buns and the cookies can be filled with an assortment of fruit preserves, cream cheese and some love a poppyseed filling. We typically use apricot and raspberry preserves.

I have also heard from some of you that your mothers/grandmothers made them with a bit of Cardomom. I haven’t ever had them that way- but by all means add some if that is your way <3. Just keep in mind that it is a strong spice and a little bit goes a long way!

For the very best results PLEASE PLEASE use a baking scale. Coconut flour is very intense in its nature and its so important to use exact amounts for recipes using it to turn out nicely. Too much flour will make the cookies dry and less tender..not enough flour will make them too greasy. Accuracy is SO IMPORTANT. Even the slightest difference will effect your end results. This is my all time favorite scale. You can order it on amazon.

The photos of the newer kolache cookies..are so much better. Chalk that up to my photography skills improving.. I promise these cookies taste fantastic too!!


Grain Free Spritz Cookies


Gf + Df Brioche Butter Pecan Sticky Buns